GSOMS Summer 2017 Meeting
Huge Meeting with Great Results
Download Presentation Files Here:
Dr. Steve Lobel #1
Dr. Steve Lobel #2
Dr. Steve Lobel #3
Over 95 GSOMS members attended the 2017 Summer meeting, our largest registration to date. It was the perfect place, the Ritz Carlton Lake Oconee, to wrap up the summer fun for members and their families. We kicked off the weekend with the popular opening reception and dinner on Friday night.
Our Saturday scientific program was Dr. John Zuniga’s session on the “Prevention, Recognition, Management and Prognosis of Nerve Injuries.”
On Sunday, Mr. Matt Coles with Coles and Barton, LLP covered “Risk Management for the OMS.” This session also presented information that members requested and Mr. Coles agreed to offer his presentation to the membership. (Scroll up to top of page to download presentation.)

Dr. Steven Lobel presented his session on “Update on Opioids and Safe Prescribing Habits for the OMFS”. This session also presented information that members requested and Dr. Lobel agreed to offer his presentation to the membership.
(Scroll up to top of page to download presentation.)

Our corporate support was huge as well, with over 25 exhibitors attending.
We also want to thank Preferred Med Surg for supporting our event as our main Sponsor.