Georgia Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Constitution
Article I: Name
The name of this Society shall be: The Georgia Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, herein after referred to as the Society.
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Article II: Purposes
The purposes of the Society shall be:
1. To contribute to the health and welfare of the people of the State of Georgia by enlightening the dental and medical professions and the general public of the State regarding the qualifications and functions of dentists who have been properly trained to practice the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
2. To promote and encourage the advancement of the practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery through teaching and research programs.
3. To interest and incite to active participation in this Society those qualified Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons practicing within the State of Georgia.
4. To promote unity and harmony among the members of the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
5. To provide for its members opportunities for social and professional communication.
6. To secure the enactment and enforcement of just dental legislation.
7. To encourage its members to discharge their civic and professional responsibilities to the community.
8. To assist the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons as may be possible within the State of Georgia.
9. To arbitrate disputes in matters of third-party involvement fees, ethics, and other matters involving Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the State of Georgia.
10. To engage in appropriate studies of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery manpower.
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Article III: Organization
Section 1. Component Status.
This Society is a component of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.Section 2. Incorporation.
This Society is a non-profit corporation chartered under the Membership Corporations Law of the State of Georgia, the registered agent being in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia.Section 3. Dissolution.
If this Society is dissolved at any time, with or without judicial proceedings, no part of any property of the Society shall be distributed to or among its members. After all indebtedness of the Society has been paid, any remaining assets shall be transferred to such society or organization engaged in education or research in Oral Surgery as the then governing body of the Society shall designate, provided however, that any judicial approval required for such transfer shall have been first obtained.
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Article IV: Government
Section 1. The Legislative Body.
The legislative body and the governing body of the Society shall be the membership at large. A simple majority vote shall determine all decisions except at otherwise provided herein.Section 2. The Administrative Body.
The administrative body of the Society shall be the executive Committee as provided in the By-laws.
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Article V: Definitions of the Association
Section 1. Dentistry is defined as the evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical or related procedures) of diseases, disorders and/or conditions off the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and/or the adjacent and associated structure and their impact on the human body; provided by a dentist, within the scope of his/her education, training and experience, in accordance with the ethics of the profession and applicable law (adopted by the ADA House of Delegates in 1997).
Section 2. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the specialty of dentistry which includes the diagnosis, surgical and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defects involving both the functional and esthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region. (adopted by the ADA House of Delegates in 1953 with the last amendment adopted by the ADA House in October 1990).
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Article VI: Officers
Elective Officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom shall be elected by the membership as provided in the By-laws. Delegates and alternate delegates to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons annual meeting shall also be elected.
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Article VII: Ethics
The Principles of Ethics of the American Dental Association and the Code of Professional Conduct of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons shall guide the professional conduct of all members.
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Article VIII: Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws
Section 1. Amendments may be proposed by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee or by any three active members.
Section 2. Amendments may be adopted only by the action of the general membership:
(a) at the same business meeting at which the proposal is read, provided a unanimous vote is obtained, or
(b) at a business meeting where the proposal has been mailed to the active members thirty days prior to the meeting and three-fourths of those present approve, or
(c) at a business meeting when the proposal was read at the previous business meeting and three-fourths of those present approve.
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Georgia State Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
Chapter I: Membership Classification, Qualifications and Privileges
Section 1. Classification.
The membership of the Society shall comprise the following categories:
(1) Active(2) Associate(3) Affiliate(4) Life (5) Resident(6) Honorary(7) Provisional
Section 2. Qualifications.
1. Requisites for Active membership in the society shall be (a) graduation from an accredited dental school; (b) completion of an accredited oral and maxillofacial surgery training program; (c) possession of a license or permit in dentistry or medicine in the state and an oral and maxillofacial surgery specialty license, where applicable; (d) fulfillment of an on-site office evaluation based on the AAOMS office anesthesia evaluation program or required applicable state regulations provided they meet the AAOMS office anesthesia evaluation program guidelines; (e) holds membership in the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and (f) shall limit their professional endeavors exclusively to the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Their primary practice location shall be within the State of Georgia.
2. Associate members shall be members of the Armed Forces, Public Health Service or Veterans Administration who are active members of the American Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and who may elect associate status. An affidavit from the director or commander of the individual’s institution attesting to his specialty rating must accompany his application.
Associate membership also includes practitioners of other states who are active members of the American Association of Oral and maxillofacial Surgeons.
3. Affiliate members shall comprise those individuals who have not attained membership in the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Affiliate membership shall be limited to two years, renewable for up to two additional years at the discretion of the Executive Committee upon the advice of the Membership Committee.
4. Life membership shall be granted upon application to active members who have attained the age of 65 or have retired from Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
5. Resident membership shall comprise those individuals who are enrolled in accredited Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery graduate-training programs; a letter of recommendation from the Chairman of the program shall accompany the application.
6. Honorary membership shall be granted to persons holding no other class of membership in the Society, who have made distinguished contributions of value of the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; such membership shall not be restricted to members of the Dental Profession.
7. A Provisional member must meet all requisites for active membership except the fulfillment of an office on-site anesthesia evaluation. The provisional member must have an active application for an on-site office anesthesia evaluation with his state regulatory agency or with the society whichever is applicable that is not greater than two (2) years in duration. Provisional membership should only apply for a two year period. If an on-site office anesthesia evaluation is not fulfilled within this two year period, the provisional membership is concluded and the individual must re-apply for candidate status unless an exemption is granted for special circumstances as defined by the Committee on Membership
Upon successful completion of the office on-site anesthesia evaluation the provisional member shall automatically be transferred to the proper membership classification as determined by AAOMS Committee on Membership.
8. Other membership categories may be designated; however, non-Association members may not vote.
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Chapter I: Membership Classification, Qualifications and Privileges II
Section 3. Privileges.
1. Active membership shall be privileged to attend and participate in Society scientific and business meetings, vote, hold office, committee appointments and committee chairmanships.
2. Associate members shall be privileged to attend and participate in scientific and business meetings and hold committee membership.
3. Affiliate members shall be privileged to attend scientific and business meetings. They may hold subordinate committee membership at the discretion of the President and Executive Committee.
4. Life members shall be privileged to attend and participate in scientific and business meetings, vote and hold committee membership.
5. Honorary members shall attend such functions, upon invitation, as are determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.
6. The eligibility of the various membership categories for receiving regular printed information from the Society shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
7. Provisional members shall enjoy all the privileges of the Society except the right to serve in the AAOMS House of Delegates or to hold office.
Section 4. Election to Membership.
1. Applications and credentials of prospective members shall be examined by the Membership Committee, which shall furnish its recommendations to the Executive Committee for review and presentation to the membership for approval at the next general meeting, a three-fourths majority vote being required for election to membership.
Section 5. Appeal.
A. If a candidate is denied component society membership, he may appeal but must do so within ninety (90) days. The component must notify the candidate of his right of appeal;
B. If the candidate appeals, the component society will be required to set up a component peer review committee or an appropriate body within the component comprised of three component members (excluding those on the membership committee) to evaluate the candidate within six (6) months. In component societies where the membership is insufficient in number to appoint a peer review committee completely independent of the membership committee, this requirement may be waived and the component society may appoint members at their discretion. A detailed and documented evaluation of allegations made against the candidate shall be conducted by the component society’s peer review committee to determine validity of said allegations. All component society members will be notified to submit written concerns regarding the candidate to the peer review committee during the six month evaluation period. After evaluation should allegations presented prove to be unsubstantiated component membership hall be granted. After evaluation, if membership is again denied, the review committee is required to report (by way of the Component State Society Notice of Appeal Form) on the candidate denied membership to the AAOMS Committee on Membership. The component must notify the candidate at that time of his right to appeal to the AAOMS (Candidate Notice of Appeal Form).
C. A candidate denied membership after an appeal to a component society has the right to appeal that decision to a national review committee. The candidate has ninety (90) days to file a written appeal to the AAOMS Committee on Membership (through Candidate Notice of Appeal Form). Within six (6) months, the AAOMS Committee on Membership will establish a four-member Review Committee composed of the Chairman of the AAOMS Committee on Membership as moderator and three (3) voting members: one from the AAOMS Membership Committee, one from the component society membership committee and a third voting member as a neutral arbitrator, i.e., a retired judge or one from an organization such as the American Arbitration Association. The candidate may have an advisor present to assist and speak on his/her behalf. The proceedings shall be non-adversarial and not subject to cross-examination. A verbatim transcript shall be made of the national review committee meeting the cost to be borne by AAOMS. Copies of the transcript will be provided to the respondent upon request at his/her expense. All costs associated with component Society and candidate representation during the appeals process will be borne by the component society and the candidate respectively. For state societies where the membership is insufficient in number and where there is no dues structure in place funds for representation during the appeals process may be requested from the AAOMS subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. This AAOMS/Component Review Committee will interview and evaluate the candidate, make the determination of the individual’s eligibility with the decision of the Review Committee binding on both the AAOMS and the respective component society.
Section 6. Changing of Practice Location.
A. AAOMS fellows and members changing the location of their primary practice to another state shall apply for membership in the new component society and must complete all requirements, including the office anesthesia evaluation, within two years of the relocation of their primary practice. Following the two- year period, those who have applied for membership in the component society but have not completed their office anesthesia evaluation program shall be transferred to provisional members status.
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Chapter II: Dues, Fees and Membership Standing
Section 1. Annual membership dues shall be established by the Executive Committee subject to approval by the membership.
Section 2. Supplemental fees for meetings and other special purposes shall be levied upon approval by the Executive Committee.
Section 3. A member shall be considered in good standing if his dues and fees are fully paid and he continues to conduct himself in accordance with the ethical and moral requirements of the Society.
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Chapter III: Termination of Membership
Section 1. Resignation.
A member may resign from the Society by notification in writing and returning his Certificate of Membership.
Section 2. Delinquency.
1. Any member who fails to pay membership dues by March 31 shall lose his good standing and shall be subject to withdrawal of membership if dues remain unpaid by June 30.
2. A member under consideration for membership withdrawal shall be notified at least thirty days in advance of any contemplated action by the Executive Committee. Under extenuating circumstances the Executive Committee may temporarily waive a member’s dues.
3. A member whose membership has been withdrawn for non-payment of dues may re-apply in accordance with standard application procedures without a waiting period. The Executive Committee shall determine whether accrued unpaid dues shall be paid.
Section 3. Default of Membership Qualifications.
1. A member shall have his membership withdrawn as a result of failure to maintain membership qualifications as required in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society.
2. Such action shall be taken only after receipt of a complaint, investigation by the Membership Committee, by the Executive Committee and notification of the. Such member shall be notified of said complaint shall be granted an opportunity to appear before the Membership Committee by a thirty day notice in writing. The membership may elect, at its discretion, to hear evidence in cases and to approve the decision of the Executive Committee.
3. A member whose membership has been withdrawn for failure to maintain qualifications may re-apply through standard procedures after a one year waiting period.
Section 4. Expulsion.
1. A member may be expelled from the Society on the basis of written charges showing conduct to the detriment of the best interests or the honor of the Society. Such charges shall include having been found quality of a felony, gross violation of the Georgia Dental Practice Act, or the Constitution and or principles of ethics guiding the Society.
2. A member under consideration for expulsion shall receive notice in writing of the charges brought against him and an invitation to appear before the Ethics and Peer Review Committee which shall conduct a fair and impartial investigation and report to the Executive Committee; however, the decision of reprimand, suspension or expulsion shall require a three-fourths vote at the following meeting of the Society.
3. The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons shall be notified on any member’s separation from membership.
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Chapter IV: Officers and Other Position
Section 1. Officials.
1. Elected officers shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each shall serve a one-year term with eligibility for re-election.
2. The Delegate(s) and three members of the nominating committee shall be elective positions and shall serve for one year with eligibility for re-election. Two Executive Committee members-at-large shall be selected from the general membership and shall serve for two years, one being elected each alternate year.
3. The Executive Director shall be an individual with expertise in public relations, legislative matters and professional society business affairs, whose services are employed by the Society to maintain the Central Office, assist and co-ordinate the committees and officers, keep abreast of pertinent legislative and judicial actions and to keep the membership informed by means of periodic newsletters.
Section 2. Election Process.
1. Officers and other elective positions shall be elected by simple majority vote from the nominating committee presentations and nominations from the floor, if any, at the end of the annual Spring meeting, and shall be installed and begin tenure immediately.
2. In event of vacancy in any elective position the President shall appoint a successor for the unexpired term. In event of vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of that office.
3. The Executive Director shall be employed contractually under conditions established by the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Duties.
1. The President shall preside at meetings of the society and the Executive Committee; act as Ex-Officio member of all committees; appoint the standing committees and committee chairmen under guidance from the By-Laws; appoint temporary committees and committee chairmen in consultation with the Executive Committee; appoint various members to participate in specific affairs of the Society; work in conjunction with the Executive Director, Executive Committee and other officers in keeping the membership informed through periodic newsletters.
2. The Vice-President shall assist the President in all of his duties and shall assume those duties when the President is unable to perform them.
3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Society and Executive Committee meetings and shall with the assistance of the Executive Director, maintain a file of committee reports, keep all records of the Society, notify the members of meetings, conduct the official correspondence of the Society at the direction of the President, maintain an up-to-date master copy of the Constitution and By-Laws, assist the program chairman in publishing announcements of programs.
4. The Treasurer, in conjunction with the Executive Director, shall keep all financial records of the Society, send statements for annual dues by January 1 of each year, depositing and disbursing the Society’s funds in accordance with standard business practice. Checks drawn on the account of the Society shall be signed by the Treasurer or Executive Director. The Treasurer shall submit current reports of the financial status of the Society at the Spring and Fall meetings. He shall report on all members delinquent in dues payment to the Executive Committee on March 1, and shall notify delinquent members of impending dismissal from the Society for non-payment of dues. He shall be the chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee.
5. The Delegate(s) or Alternate Delegate(s) shall represent the Society at the annual meeting of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and shall report on that meeting to the Society. They shall, in conjunction with the Executive Director, keep the membership informed of the activities of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons within the Delegate(s) purview. The names of the Delegate(s) and Alternate Delegate(s) shall be furnished to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons immediately after election.
6. Two Executive Committee members-at-large shall attend meetings of that Committee and participate fully in its functions.
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Chapter V: Standing Committe
Section 1. The Executive Committee.
1. Composition. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers, two immediate past-presidents and two members-at-large. The Chairmen of the standing committees shall be invited to attend.
A. Duties and Functions.
1. The Executive Committee shall meet at least two times per year as called by the President or requested by any three members, four members constituting a quorum. The President or his designee shall preside; in event of a tie, the presiding officer shall not vote.
2. The Executive Committee shall be the managing body of the Society and conduct all Society business subject to the desires of the membership and in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society, establishing such rules and regulations as are necessary to govern the organization’s procedure and conduct.
3. The Executive Committee shall advise the President and approve all committee appointments.
4. The Executive Committee shall oversee the monetary affairs of the Society, manage and/or invest all funds of the Society and review the activities of the Budget and Finance Committee.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee.
1. Composition. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the two immediate past-presidents, if available, and sufficient additional members elected annually by the Society to total at least three members. The President shall appoint the committee chairman from the elected members.
2. Duties. The Nominating Committee shall formulate a slate of nominations in accordance with the By-Laws and furnish them to the Secretary for presentation at the annual Spring meeting elections.
Section 3. The Membership Committee
1. Composition. The Membership Committee shall consist of at least three members to be appointed by the President for a three-year term, one appointment being made each year. The chairman shall be the senior member.
2. Duties. The Committee shall, with the assistance of the Executive Director, investigate carefully the professional and personal qualifications of all applicants and make recommendations to the Executive Committee.
Section 4. Peer Review and Ethics Committee.
1. Composition. This Committee shall consist of at least three members, not members of the Membership Committee, appointed by the President who shall also designate the chairman.
2. Duties. This committee shall, upon request from the President, investigate problems relating to matters of ethics among dentists in Georgia as pertains to or may have an effect upon the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in general or the members of the Society in particular; it shall serve in an impartial arbitration capacity in disputes concerning fees and practice operations and in any other disputes relating to third-party involvement. It shall evaluate appeals from applicants who have been denied membership and report its findings to the Executive Committee. If membership continues to be denied, a report of such action shall be furnished to the AAOMS in accordance with its requirements.
Section 5. Health Plans Committee.
1. Composition. This Committee shall consist of at least three members appointed by the President, who shall also designate the chairman.
2. Duties. The Committee shall consult, investigate, advise and actively participate in matters of public and private health and hospitalization insurance, pre-payment plans, governmental and labor-union activity in the health field. The Committee shall in like manner investigate and participate in matters relating to legislation which would affect Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Reports shall be made to the Executive Committee. The chairman or his designee shall act as liaison for the Society in these areas with other professional organizations involved in health and legislative matters.
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Chapter V: Standing Committees II
Section 6. Budget and Finance Committee.
1. Composition. This committee shall be composed of at least three members, consisting of the Vice-President, Treasurer and one other member appointed by the President. The Treasurer shall be the Committee Chairman.
2. Duties. This committee shall formulate a budget based on the annual income of the Society and present said budget to the Executive Committee for approval prior to the annual Spring meeting. This committee shall also cause an audit of the records of the Society when directed by the Executive Committee during any fiscal year, which shall coincide with the calendar year.
Section 7. Information and Program Committee.
1. Composition. This committee shall consist of at least three members, one being appointed annually by the President to serve for three years. The Chairman shall be the senior member of the committee.
2. Duties. The committee shall plan and coordinate programs for presentation to the membership, in conjunction with the Executive Committee and Executive Director, so as to implement the aims and activities of the Society. The Committee, in conjunction with the Executive Director, shall provide information to the media and the profession, relative to the Society’s activities, where deemed appropriate.
Section 8. Legislative Committee.
1. Composition. This committee shall consist of at least three members appointed by the President, who shall also designate the chairman.
2. Duties. The Committee shall investigate legislative needs and trends pertaining to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery throughout the country. It shall also seek to influence and participate in matters of legislation which would affect the specialty in Georgia. Reports shall be made at least annually to the Executive Committee.
Section 9. Constitution and By-Laws Committee.
1. Composition. This committee shall consist of two members, one being appointed by the President each year to serve for two years. The chairman shall be the retiring member.
2. Duties. This committee shall review the Society’s Constitution and By-Laws annually for the purpose of keeping them in suitable and proper relationship with the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. This committee shall also study proposals for amendments to the Society’s Constitution and By-Laws under Article VII of the Constitution.
Section 10. Hospital Affairs Committee.
1. Composition. This committee will consist of at least three members, one being appointed annually by the President to serve for three years. The Chairman shall be the senior member of the committee.
2. Duties. The committee shall review and analyze all matters pertaining to hospital affairs and present such recommendations to the membership as are designed to promote the role of oral and maxillofacial surgery in hospitals in Georgia.
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Chapter VI: Indemnification
The Society shall indemnify and hold harmless each officer and committee member from any and all claims and liabilities to which they may be subjected by reason of his service to or duties within the Society, and shall reimburse them for legal expenses incurred in defending against such claims and liabilities, excepting legal expenses incurred in defending against claims and liabilities arising out of one’s own negligence or willful misconduct. The foregoing rights of officers and committee members shall not be exclusive of the other rights to which they may be lawfully entitled. The Executive Committee shall determine policy regarding bond and insurance protection of all types which would be required to protect the Society and its members.
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Chapter VII: Meetings
Section l. General Meetings.
There shall be two general meetings annually, in the Spring and Fall, the time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee. All members shall be notified at least 60 days in advance.Section 2. Special Meetings.
Special meetings shall be called by the President upon direction by the Executive Committee or written request of ten members. All members shall be notified at least two weeks prior to special meetings.Section 3. The Sturgis Code of Parliamentary Procedure, Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority for all meetings of the Society not otherwise governed by the Constitution and By-Laws. A quorum shall consist of 25% of the active membership.
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